is private.4Null object cannot be converted to value type "{0}".%Indexing not supported on type "{0}".+Cannot write to an expression of this type.*Cannot cast from type "{0}" to type "{1}".(Cannot convert null value to type "{0}".,Expressions of type "{0}" are not supported.+Statements of type "{0}" are not supported. Condition7Are you sure you want to delete the selected condition?Select a rule condition to be assigned to the activity's condition. You can also add, edit, delete or rename existing conditions.`The condition name must be unique. Please type a unique name for the condition, or click Cancel.Condition EditorVThe condition must have a name. Please type a name for the condition, or click Cancel.MCondition "{0}" already exists. Specify a unique name for this new condition.Condition Expression)The condition expression can not be null.4Condition expression must evaluate to true or false.RThe condition "{0}" being updated does not match the name of the original ("{1}").\Condition name is not set. Specify a name for this condition before editing the expression.New name for condition:!Can not find the condition "{0}".Condition PreviewRename ConditionSelect ConditionBUnable to evaluate Condition "{0}" as there are validation errors..No constructor matched the supplied arguments.JCode generator context stack does not contain required item of type "{0}".GCode generator context stack is missing from current ValidationManager.^The type of the member "{0}" could not be determined. Ensure that the declaration is correct.'A cycle was detected in the expression.'Cannot edit the workflow in debug mode.Delete Condition Delete RuleDelete Rule SetMore than one condition named "{0}" was found in the condition collection. Only the first condition will be used. Make sure all conditions have unique names.ELSEError parsing the Action(s):Error building the condition:wApplication configuration file is either missing or does not contain authorizedTypes related configuration information.OThe following error was encountered while executing the constructor on {0}: {1}?Invalid rule. Another rule of that name exists in the rule set.?Some part of the expression is not supported . Action canceled./Value is invalid. Please type an integer value.GThe following error was encountered while executing method {0}.{1}: {2}KThe following error was encountered while getting the property {0}.{1}: {2}KThe following error was encountered while setting the property {0}.{1}: {2},Value is invalid. Rule name cannot be empty.KType {0} is not marked as authorized in the application configuration file.Could not report errors when validating sub-expression. Errors property is null for RuleValidation instance associated with type "{0}".Explicit Update Only!The expression was not validated.]Please specify the expression to be associated with the the Rule Expression condition's name.>The field "{0}" on type "{1}" is a literal and can not be set. Full Chaining"Generic methods are not supported.LArithmetic operator "{1}" is not valid on operands of types "{0}" and "{2}".6Operands of types "{0}" and "{1}" can not be compared.5Operands of type "{0}" can not be compared with null."Indices may not be "ref" or "out".7No indexer property was found that takes {0} arguments./No indexer properties were found on type "{0}".>No overloaded indexer property matched the supplied arguments.$Indexer operations cannot be static._The number of initializers specified ({0}) is greater than the array dimension specified ({1}).SInitializer {0} of the constructor for type {1}[] does not match the expected type.[Unable to convert type '{0}' to type '{1}' as determined when the expression was validated.BProperty "{0}" has invalid value. Condition expression is invalid.Parameters passed as "ref" or "out" parameters must be fields..Parameter "{0}" was not found in member "{1}".9Property "{0}" has an invalid value. 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